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Oxygen metabolism model

The oxygen metabolism model does't apply for the detailed description of this difficult biochemical process, we pay your attention only to integrated numerical characteristics. The concept of oxygen debt [7] underlies our oxygen metabolism model. The value of oxygen debt DO2 can be characterized as a measure of concentration of a lactic acid and other non-oxidized metabolism products in organism tissues. This value can be also named a weariness factor.

The value SpO2 of arterial blood saturation, which characterise lungs work efficiency, the value He of hemoglobin concentration in the blood, and the value RO2 of tissue oxygen delivery (factor of exercise stress ) are input parametres of the oxygen metabolism model.

where factor ÑH is oxygen capacity of hemoglobin.

The value gO2 of tissue oxygen delivery is proportional to values of tissue blood flow and arteriovenous oxygen difference.


where tissue blood flow Q = Fij , i = AL, j = VL;
VO2 – venous oxygen concentration,


A change speed of oxygen debt is proportional to the difference between oxygen demand and oxygen delivery:


where A1 , A2 – the numerical parameters determined in the empirical way, DO2 - the oxygen debt, that describes the saved up value of unsatisfied organism oxygen need.

Mathematical model > Oxygen metabolism model

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