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Package of measurements

The package of measurements is a specially organized data structure for storing of digitalized measurements of physiological curves from the list of curves, admissible for the identification. The package of measurements is a set of data for the further handling in the procedure of identification of blood circulation system. Besides digitalized curves there is another additional data in the package of measurements, for example body mass, cardiac cycle duration and package name.

   Screenshot The example of the display of package of measurements

We have chosen a standard of the Extensible Markup Language XML as a basic file format for packages of measurements. Nowadays this format is accepted as the standard for the storing of structured information in the Internet. The package of measurements is realized as a file of laboratory data in XML format.

The current version of the program implementation offers the following warehouses of the laboratory data for the installation of packages of measurements.

   Laboratory Laboratory

  • Personal laboratory. It is a warehouse of personal laboratory data of a user. In the operating system Windows it is a folder named Heart model lab into the folder My documents of the current user profile. The separate system folder \Ident for packages of measurements is by default created in the personal laboratory. In this system folder a user may create his own folders.

  • SQL laboratoty. It is the storehouse of the laboratory data of users - members of the working group. It is realized in the form of database in Microsoft SQL Server. The laboratory data is stored in the database in the form of data sets, on structure similar to XML files of file system. In SQL laboratory users may create the folders forming hierarchical structure.

  • Web laboratory. It is a warehouse of laboratory data, disposed on the Web server for free access in the Internet. The data is disposed by a moderator of Web laboratory.

  • File system. Using this way of storing of packages of measurements, a user organizes the storing of his data with the help of PC file system. The folders with data can be created at will.

The opened package of measurements on the measurements page is displayed on the panel as a set of curve schedules, which are included in this package. The choice of the displayed curve is realized by mouse click on the icon in the bottom of display panel. The package name is shown in the top of the panel.

   Actions user Actions user on this section
Action "Open package of measurements"

On the measurements page the package of measurements can be opened by action "Open package of measurements" on the inset "Identification" (for execution of identification process) and on the inset "Manual numeralization" (for manual editing of package of measurements).


Computer implementation> Measurements page > Package of measurements

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