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Technique of identification experiment

The identification experiment consists of the following stages and steps.

Each identification experiment is being executed according to the following approximate algorithm.

   Algorithm Text algorithm
1. Measurements
Step 1. Choice of measuring system
Step 2. Taking measurements
Step 3. Saving of measurements
2. Identification procedure
Step 4. Opening of measurements
Step 5. Execution of identification process
Step 6. Saving of identification results
3. Analysis and reproduction of results
Step 7. Opening of model with identified parameters
Step 8. Execution of model experiment with identified parameters
Step 9. End of experiment

   Chart The algorithm of identification experiment

   Computer implementation Computer implementation
# Step User's actions
1. Choice of measuring system
Choose measuring system respecting recommendations, given in the topic "Measurements". If the chosen measuring system contains the data, taken with ADC, adjust ADC parameters according to the topic "Setting of ADC parameters".
2. Taking measurements
According to the chosen measuring system execute the prosedure of taking measurements.
3. Saving of measurements
Save package of measurements, obtained after taking measurements, respecting saving recommendations.
4. Opening of measurements
By click on open the dialog box of identification parameters. Choose the kind of identification functional according to the chosen measuring system and the topic "Estimation criteria". Choose methods of solution of identification problem (for solution of practical problems you need to choose the method of global random search) . Open new measurements page by click on on the main control panel. On the inset "Identification" open a package of measurements by click on .
5. Execution of identification process

Click on to begin the identification process. Observe the graphic display of multistage iterative process of the approach of model measurements to the measurements which have been taken from an object. The process demands a high-performance computer and can last for a rather long time interval. The process is carried out in a background mode and allows to realize other program operations. Wait for the end of the process. The forced interruption of the identification process by a button does not enable saving and subsequent use of identification results.

6. Saving of identification results
The successful end of the identification process open access to buttons - "Save identification model" and - "Open identification model". For the further reuse of identification results click on and save the identification model.
7. Opening of model with identified parameters
You can open the modelling window with the parameters of mathematical model from the page "Identification" by click on . If the identified model was earlier saved, it can be opened by click on the button on the main control panel.
8. Execution of model experiment with identified parameters
Carry out the modelling experiments with the identified model according to the ìtechniques of model experiment.
9. End of experiment To end the experiment click on - "Close measurements page"

Identification > Technique of identification experiment

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